Candy Items, Kits and Decorator Royal Icing always available for purchase. Our Specialty "GingerBite" and "GingerSwirl" Cookies & Crystalized Ginger available by the pound in Gift Tins, Boxes, and Bags in half and one-pound measures.
"Old World" Ready to "Cut n' Bake" Gingerbread Dough available for purchase in one half and one-pound measures.
A Sample of Our Holiday and Seasonal Offerings
© 2024 by Gingerbread University/Gingerbread Franchise Systems, LLC.

Royal Icing and Candy

12" Jumbo, Hand-cut
GINGERBEARTM w Royal Icing and Candy Kit

Large, Deluxe, Handmade, "Old World" Gingerbread House Diorama with Royal Icings and Candy $49.50

Medium Manufactured House With Royal Icing and
Candy (as available) $37.50

12" Jumbo, Hand Cut
Gingerbread Train, Engineer, Oreo Wheelstm Royal Icing and Candy Kit

12" Jumbo, Hand-Cut
Gingerbread Snow-Person, Lollypop Arms, Icing and Candy Kit $27.50

12" GingerPerson & Pals Icing and Candy Kit $16.50
12" Jumb Ginger Person $27.50

Gingerbread Pair w/
Friends. Icing and Candy Kit
Join us at our new location at The Terry Family Farm Complex at 3169 Sound Avenue, Riverhead, N. Y.
Decorate there or Order Kits for Pick Up or Delivery